Mission: Why Do What We Do

The mission of St. Luke’s Mobile Medical, a ministry of the Episcopal Church, is to improve the quality of life for those living in our communities of Caddo, Bossier, Webster, Desoto, and Claiborne Parishes. St. Luke’s addresses the needs of the whole person – physical, emotional, social and spiritual – through education and resource access, providing basic health care to the medically underserved.

Our goal is to break down the barriers that keep people from accessing health care. There is no charge for our services which is especially helpful for the uninsured or underinsured. We offer care to everyone who comes to our van.

St. Luke’s chose to be mobile so that we can go out into communities and offer health services where people live and work. In doing so, we are able to offer accessible and quick health care for those who lack transportation or do not have the ability to take time off from work. We return to the same communities on a regular basis, so that individuals can have follow-up care and so we can develop a trusting long-term relationship with the community.

The volunteers at St. Luke’s look at the whole person’s physical, emotional, spiritual, and social needs. We work closely with other community organizations, referring people to the appropriate service so that their needs can be met. While health screenings are quick, we will spend as much time as it takes with each individual.

We help educate all people who come into our van about their health and ways to take care of themselves. We believe that this helps to empower them to make healthier choices.

For a wonderful definition of health ministry please read this excerpt from the National Episcopal Health Ministries: